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Humans of clueQuest: Eli and the Ulti-Mutt Agent

by Freya Carroll

published on

Humans of clueQuest is all about the sweet and hilarious stories our Gamesmakers see through CCTV in our escape room games. In this one, Agent Eli tells us about a very paw-sitive experience!

‘I first saw the dog as I was walking to work. He was standing outside clueQuest HQ London with his owners, and I thought, ‘that’s a really cute dog!’. I was gonna ask them if I could stroke it, but then I noticed he had a working harness on, so I knew I couldn’t - sad. 

I came into work, and someone was like, there’s a dog in the briefing area! And I was like, oh my God, that’s the dog from outside. We don’t actually allow dogs unless they’re service animals, so I asked the owners, who confirmed that he was one. And I was like, perfect, a working professional. He can go in the room then!

I did the brief, and then put them in the escape room. The owner got out a blanket and told the dog to stay there. And he did, he stayed on the blanket, and he watched his owners walk around solving the escape game, trying to see what they were doing. They kept moving him into each space so he could be with them. It was very cute; you could tell that he wanted to move around and explore things with them, trying to edge off the blanket, but he knew he wasn’t allowed to.

I did turn down the sounds in the escape room, as I didn’t want the loud noises to scare him! And then when I went in to give the team their debrief, he got so excited, wagging his tail and trying to sniff me. I was trying to remain professional, like, I’m not allowed to stroke him because he’s a guide dog, but I really wanted to. We got a really cute team photo at the end to commemorate their successful escape from the room, where they picked him up and I snapped the photo with him looking at the camera.

He was a clueQuest agent I’ll remember fur-ever.’

When Eli isn’t running games at clueQuest, she edits an environmental blog and tries to convince her partner to let her get a dog. Why not come and play our fur-st escape room game here at clueQuest? You can find all the details to book on our website here